

阅读 :

   Joe and Fred were helping to build a house in a village. The weather was very warm, there was a lot of dust everywhere, and by half past twelve, they were very thirsty, so they stopped work to have their lunch. They found the nearest small bar, went in and sat down with their sandwiches. "Good afternoon, gentlemen. What can I get you?" the man behind the bar asked. Joe looked at Fred and said, "Beer, I think. Yes, a pint of beer each. Is that all right for you, Fred?"
   "Yes, that's all right." Fred said. Then he turned to the man behind the bar and said, "And I want it in a clean glass! Don't forget that." The man behind the bar filled the glasses and brought them to Joe and Fred. Then he said. "Which of you asked for the clean glass?"."    乔和佛瑞德在一个村子里帮忙盖一间房子。天气很暖和,到处都有许多灰尘。12点半的时候,他们觉得非常口渴,便停下来去吃午饭了。他们找到最近的一家酒吧,走进去坐下吃他们的三文治。

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本文标题:笑话习题簿11.2.6 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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