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  Since the tender age of 5, Alicia Keys has proven herself a true musical prodigy. Born and raised in Manhattan, New York, a great deal of her upbringing was devoted to music. Piano lessons beginning at such an early age allowed Alicia to blossom into the exceptionally talented pianist she is today.

  She credits much of her success to her mother's insistence on her continuing with the lessons, and finally growing as an artist. Her mother advised her that piano-playing was the one thing in life that she would not allow her daughter to give up. While many children may consider this to be a form of punishment, Alicia thought differently. Piano-playing became one of her true passions in life and she pursued it. She enrolled in the Professional Performance Arts School of Manhattan and chose to major in choir. An all-around outstanding student, her musical talents grew to an even higher level under the guidance of one of her instructors. This instructor helped to train her voice, enabling Alicia to further grow as a multi-talented musician.

  At the age of 16, Alicia's outstanding academic grades allowed her to finish high school early. Columbia University accepted her immediately after her graduation, but she was intent on pursuing her love of music instead. In 1998, major record labels began discovering her. She signed with Arista Records. At this point, she continued the process of writing, producing and recording the debut that she'd been working on since the age of 14.

  In late 1999,Alicia decided to join Clive Davis and his new-found record label, J Records. Davis has supported and groomed many famous artists in the past, including Janis Joplin, Bruce Springsteen and Santana. Keys saw this as an opportunity to grow, and Davis has been hyping her ever since.

  Recently, the 19-year-old musician's debut album, Songs in A Minor entered the Billboard album charts at #1. The album includes the hit single Fallin'.

  The near future looks to be very promising for this hot, young, musical talent. Her next single, A Woman's Worth is scheduled for release very shortly. If it follows in the footsteps of her debut release, it will most likely prove to be a chart-topper13.

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