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  It seems that despite the advances humans have made in practically every field and interest, stress  and stressful situations can never be completely eliminated. If anything, the faster phase by which humans lead their lives these days only exacerbate the stress.

  There are two types of stress. The short-term or acute stress brought about by immediate stressors or factors or the chronic or long-term stress resulting from on-going stressors. The gravity by which a stressor can affect a person all depends on the person's capacity to deal with stress. Some factors may easily stress out one person and not affect another.

  External stressors such as the environment  may also bring about stress. Internal factors such as intense worry may also affect a person. Some stressful stressors include: hunger, extreme weather conditions, noise, crowding, isolation and hunger. Chronic stress may be the result of long-term abusive relationships, a high-pressure career, financialworries and even high expectations.

  Financial worry is one of the most common causes for stress. Financial obligations often cause strain in both the personal and professional life of a person. When a person cannot make ends meet, he often becomes dissatisfied with his life and the kind of work he does. Stressful romantic relationships are also common. Sometimes, relationships do not even have to be abusive to be stressful, just meeting a partner's expectations can cause stress. Being let down causes stress. Even the most well behaved children can occasionally cause strain in the relationships of couples. The divorce of parents may affect children negatively. Sometimes something as tragic as an accident or a loved one's death can cause immediate and long-term stress. Both women and men may struggle with body image, which can cause them to stress.

  For acute stress, just avoiding the environment or situation can ease the stress. Being in a crowded, noisy place for example can cause one's blood pressure to slightly increase. But the answer to this problem is simple- avoid noisy and cramped places. For chronic stress such as a highly pressurized work environment, it may not be easy to just quit or walk away. These types of stress need to be dealt with and there are a number of ways to limit the stress or to lower the stress level.

  For some just taking a break from the stress can make a great difference. This means taking a short break at work to eat or read. Sometimes a person needs to take a 2-day leave or even a month long vacation to de-stress. Other ways to deal with stress include listening to relaxing music, talking to friends or just watching a feel-good movie. Training one's self to accept disappointments, increase the self-esteem and develop a positive outlook in life is also a big help in conquering stressful situations. One of the best ways still to limit the stress in one's life is by leading a healthy lifestyle and exercising regularly. Exercise is known to release endorphins in the body that in turn reduces anxiety and depression.

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本文标题:压力情境 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文

上一篇:不能推迟的约会 下一篇:压力情境(中)


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