
激励英语: 放松自己

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Breathing room

  Look back on your life up to this point and you'll quickly see that many of your worries and concerns were completely unfounded. So why do you still insist on cranking out those worries at every turn of events?

  How many times have you looked back on an occasion with the regret that you didn't simply enjoy yourself? There's nothing you can do about those past regrets, but there's plenty you can do about right now.

  It's ridiculously easy to enjoy life, no matter what the situation. It's just a matter of letting go.

  Let go of the worry and anxiety, of the anger and envy, of the need to be right and the need to control everyone else. Let go of the need to have everything your way.

  Underneath all those layers of need and worry and negativity, there is pure joy. When you simply accept what is, and choose to enjoy the goodness in it, life can be wonderfully rich and beautiful.

  Stop worrying and fighting so much, and start enjoying a little more. Give joy some breathing room and it will flourish in your life.

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