
我的幸运日My Lucky Day

阅读 : 2013 次


  tell me what you saw that was so bad

  tell me all the reasons

  why you made me so sad

  i wish that i was like you

  and i'm sorry that i'm not

  at least i still have hope

  i guess that's all i've got


  thrilled that i'm not there

  yet i know that i will make it

  make it good for me out here

  and soon i will be smiling

  everything will be okay

  i'll not worry anymore

  that will be my lucky day

  i wish that you'd seen something

  special 'bout me too

  that you would think of something else

  not just the way i look to you

  i don't see what you see

  how different can i be

  and why does it really matter

  i'm just being me


  i know you must be happy

  thrilled that i'm not there

  yet i know that i will make it

  make it good for me out here

  and soon i will be smiling

  everything will be okay

  i'll not worry anymore

  that will be my lucky day

  i don't see what you see

  how different can i be

  and why does it really matter

  i'm just being me

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