

阅读 :

  small, simple life changes can be powerful. implementing some of these changes can literally change your entire life. how do you change? take on one change at a time, and go slowly. implement each change consistently so that it becomes a habit. don’t do too much too fast. what follows is a list of changes that are simple, yet incredibly powerful. some are obvious and some aren’t. i hope they serve as reminders of useful changes.

  生活中一些细微简单的改变有着不可低估的作用。一些改变甚至可以改变你的整个生活。 如何改变呢?一次做出一种改变,慢慢来,并始终如一地坚持,形成一种习惯。不要贪多求快。 下面列出一些改变,虽然简单,作用却难以置信。有些作用明显,而有的不易觉察。我希望下列条目能提醒你去做一些有益身心的改变。

  1. walk daily


本文标题:20个影响你一生的小改变:英汉英语美文推荐 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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