

阅读 :

the law of compensation

补偿律可确保当你付出之后,会得到某种相同种类的回 报,为了得到这种回报,你必须尽力提供你能提供的服务(当 然必须具备最佳心态),并且必须不要求得到立即的回报,而 且即使得不到立即回报,你也应该尽力提供服务。
the law of compensation ensures that everything you do will bring you some sort of result of the same benefit form this,you must always render the most service you are capable of,with the best attitude,and you must do so regardless of your immediate compensation,even if it appears you will receive no immediate compensation.

此一法则所着重的,并非一些意料之外的回报(例如让位 给老年人所得到的回报),而是诚恳和热心的付出。只有不诚 恳,而且懒惰的人才想以较少的代价(甚至最好不要付出任何 代价)获得较大利益。如果你想要以抬高价钱,或偷工减料的 方式获利的话,必将尝到恶果。
the issue here is not some unlooked-for benefit,such as might come from offering a chair to a senior is a matter of honesty and earnest effort.dishonest,lazy people look to get something for less than is required-or even nothing.if you decide to boost your profits by raising your rates and providing less service,it's going to catch up with you.

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本文标题:成功的钥匙:补偿率-英语美文成功篇 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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