
冬天来了 希望长着翅膀 新东方英语美文 中英双语

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Winter Is Coming (excerpt) by Oscar Wilde

冬天来了(节选) 原著:奥斯卡·王尔德

The next day the Swallow flew down to the harbour. He sat on the mast of a large vessel and watched the sailors hauling big chests out of the hold with ropes. "Heave a hoy!" they shouted as each chest came up. "I am going to Egypt!" cried the Swallow, but nobody minded, and when the moon rose he flew back to the Happy Prince.

第二天,燕子飞到下面的海港。他停落在一条大船的桅杆上,望着水手们用绳索把大箱子拉出船舱。伴着他们“嘿哟!嘿哟!”的号子声,大箱子也一个个被拉了上来。“ 我准备去埃及了!”燕子喊道,可是没有人在意他。当月亮升起后,他便飞回到快乐王子的身边。

I am come to bid you good-bye," he cried.


Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow," said the Prince, "will you not stay with me one night longer?"


It is winter," answered the Swallow, "and the chill snow will soon be here. In Egypt the sun is warm on the green palm-trees, and the crocodiles lie in the mud and look lazily about them. My companions are building a nest in the Temple of Baalbec, and the pink and white doves are watching them, and cooing to each other."


Dear Prince, I must leave you, but I will never forget you, and next spring I will bring you back two beautiful jewels in place of those you have given away. The ruby shall be redder than a rose, and the sapphire shall be as blue as the great sea."


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本文标题:冬天来了 希望长着翅膀 新东方英语美文 中英双语 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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