培根散文随笔集第55章:Of Honour & Reputation 论荣誉与名声
of honour & reputation 论荣誉与名声
the winning of honour is but the revealing of a man's virtue and worth, without disadvantage. for some in their actions do woo and affect honour and reputation.
which sort of men are commonly much talked of, but inwardly little admired. and some, contrariwise, darken their virtue, in the show of it; so as they be undervalued in opinion. if a man perform that which hath not been attempted before; or attempted and given over, or ham been achieved, but not with so good circumstance; he shall purchase more honour, than by effecting a matter of greater difficulty, or virtue, wherein he is but a follower. if a man so temper his actions, as in some one of them he doth content every faction, or combination of people, the music will be the fuller.