写给20多岁的你:该和这些幼稚行为说拜拜啦 英语美文推荐
1. interrupting conversations.
remember being five, and when your parents were talking to other grownups you’d walk over mid-conversation, tug on their shirts and repeatedly call, “mom/dad?” yeah — that was improper then — but you were five, so it was fathomable. some people are incapable of comprehending the notion of waiting their turn to speak. when this happens, utilize the sarcastic old saying: “i apologize, did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?”
记得5岁的时候,当父母跟其他大人谈话时,你会走过去扯着他们的衣角不断叫唤“妈妈/爸爸” 来打断谈话吗?尽管很不礼貌,但你才5岁嘛,情有可原。有些人就是等不及别人讲完再开口。遇到这种情况,可以略微暗讽一下:“不好意思,我话还没说完,影响到你了吗?”