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英语美文 所有事皆需全力以赴

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The master of a single trade can support a family. The master of seven trades cannot support himself。

  专心致志,锲而不舍,埃及平原上终于建起了宏伟的金字塔。 精通一行的人可以养家糊口,样样精通的人却不能养活自己。

  Now I know that in order to grow and flourish I must spare no efforts in doing things and keep a little in advance of the times. Those who reach the top are the ones who are not content with doing only what are required of them. They do more. They go the extra mile. And another。

  现在我知道,为了辉煌的成就,我必须全力以赴,必须永远走在时间前面。那些顶 尖人物都不会只满足分内的工作,他们比常人做得更多,走得更远。

  I will spare no efforts in doing things。


  Now I know that I cannot pursue a worthy goal, steadily and persistently, with all the powers of my mind and yet fail. If I focus the rays of sun with a burning glass, even in the coldest days of winter, I can kindle a fire with ease。


  I will spare no efforts in doing things。


  The weakest living creature, by concentrating his powers on a single object, can accomplish good results while the strongest, by dispersing his effort over many chores, may fail to accomplish anything。


  Drops of water, by continually falling, hone their passage through the hardest of rocks but the hasty torrent rushes over it with hideous uproar and leaves no trace24 behind. I will leave my trace. The world will know I have been here。

  小小水滴,持之以恒,也能将最坚硬的岩石穿透;相反,湍流呼啸而过,却了无踪 迹。我将留下我的踪迹,让世人知道我曾来过。

  I will spare no efforts in doing things。



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