Shenzhen English Corner


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A Blossming Tree

一棵开花的树 A Blossming Tree

How to let you meet me
At my most beautiful moment?
For this
I’ve prayed to Buddha for five hundred years
To be bestowed a relationship with you on this earth

So, Buddha makes me a tree
Growing by the road you are bound to take
Blooming cautiously and flourishing under sunlight
Each blossom an expectation of my previous life

When you approach, please listen
The trembling leaves are the passion of my waiting
But when at last you walk past unseeing
What lies scattered on the ground behind you
Oh my friend, is not petals
But my withered heart



一棵开花的树 A Blossming Tree

我已在佛前 求了五百年


当你走近 请你细听
朋友啊 那不是花瓣


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