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Three old men were sitting around and talking.


The 80 year一old said , "The best thing that could happen to me is if I would just to be able to have a good pee. I stand there for twenty minutes, and it dribbles and hurts. I have to go over and over again.”


The 85 year一old said, "The best thing that could happen to me is if I could have one good bowel movement. I take every kind of laxative I can get my hands on and it's still a problem.”


Then the 90 year一old said,That's not my problem. Every morning at 6: 00 A. M. sharp, I have a good long pee. At 6:30 am sharp I have a great bowel movement. The best thing that could happen to me would be if I could wake up before 7 :00 A. M.”



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本文标题:外国最新英语幽默笑话精粹152:三个老年人(中英) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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