
趣味图片英语笑话:Josh 约什(双语)

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I simply can't understand why I've become unable to get an erection... Everything else in my life is on track. I've become extremely good at showing empathy, drink a lot of herbal tea, have become a vegan, never eat gluten, drive a hybrid car... I... I... ehhh...

我只是不明白为什么我已经无法勃起......我的生活轨道依旧。我已经对表示同情和理解非常拿手,喝不少凉茶,成为一个素食主义者,从来不吃面筋,驾驶混合动力汽车......我......我...... 欸...

First when saying it out loud, Josh sensed some kind of connection


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本文标题:趣味图片英语笑话:Josh 约什(双语) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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