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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends! China Classifieds!

  B: Nikky, if u r online, please contact me.

  N: Hello, brian, how r u.

  B: How do u do, I leave a message on your machine yesterday. (我昨天给你的电话留了言。)


  N: I heard it, it's a long time.

  B: Yeah, quite long time no see, are you ok?

  N: Well, pretty good, and you?

  B: I am fine.

  N: I will be right back.

  B: OK, I am waiting.

  N: HI.

  B: Nikky, I just feel a little lonely.

  N: What's wrong?

  B: Well, it's now 23:00 here, I just felt so lonely, and there was no one with me.

  N: I am here with you, brian.

  B: You are so distant, so far away, I cant feel you. (你离我那么远,我感觉不到你。)

  N: J

  B: You finished your dinner?

  N: Yes, some meat loaf(肉馅糕), I made it myself.

  B: Still by your own?

  N: Yeah

  B: We are all loners. (我们都是孤独的人。)

  N: Oh, yes, what's wrong with you, brian.

  B: Well, I don't know how to talk about. A girl I love leaves me away. (我不知道该怎么说,一个我爱的女孩离开了我。)

  N: What happened? where did she go?

  B: She went home.

  N: Where's her home then?

  B: It's another city far away from here.

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趣味 英语


本文标题:趣味英语:我们都是孤独的人 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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