"Who killed Abraham Lincoln*?" the teacher asked her
seventh-graders**. Everyone but John raised a hand
to answer. " Do you know, John?" she asked.
"Dammit***, I don't know and I don't care!" the
boy yelled, arms crossed. "Stop asking questions."
Upset, the teacher kept John after class and called
his father for a conference****. "What's the problem?"
John's dad asked when he arrived. "Why is my son in
detention?" "I asked John who killed Abe Lincoln and
he cursed and said he didn't know and didn't care,
and told me to stop asking him questions." Furious,
the man grabbed John by the collar. "What's your
problem, son?" he shouted. "If you killed the man, j
ust say so."
一名老师问一个初一班级的学生, “谁暗杀了林肯?”除约翰外,
所有学生均举起手来。 老师走过去问约翰,“你知道答案吗?”
再问我问题了。” 老师感到很沮丧,课后把约翰留下来,并打电
话让约翰的爸爸过来开个会。 约翰的爸爸到了之后,问老师,
“我儿子怎么了,为什么被您留下来?” 老师说,“我问他,
他任何问题。” 约翰的爸爸非常生气,抓起儿子的衣领,吼道,
seventh-graders**. Everyone but John raised a hand
to answer. " Do you know, John?" she asked.
"Dammit***, I don't know and I don't care!" the
boy yelled, arms crossed. "Stop asking questions."
Upset, the teacher kept John after class and called
his father for a conference****. "What's the problem?"
John's dad asked when he arrived. "Why is my son in
detention?" "I asked John who killed Abe Lincoln and
he cursed and said he didn't know and didn't care,
and told me to stop asking him questions." Furious,
the man grabbed John by the collar. "What's your
problem, son?" he shouted. "If you killed the man, j
ust say so."
一名老师问一个初一班级的学生, “谁暗杀了林肯?”除约翰外,
所有学生均举起手来。 老师走过去问约翰,“你知道答案吗?”
再问我问题了。” 老师感到很沮丧,课后把约翰留下来,并打电
话让约翰的爸爸过来开个会。 约翰的爸爸到了之后,问老师,
“我儿子怎么了,为什么被您留下来?” 老师说,“我问他,
他任何问题。” 约翰的爸爸非常生气,抓起儿子的衣领,吼道,