

阅读 : 366 次


1. Playing with fire 找死

  2. Pervert !变态、流氓

  3. Brag ! 吹牛

  4. Bullshit! 废话

  5. Play dumb. 装傻

  6. Shameless!无耻

  7. Fighting one’s own.起内讧

  8. Lucky bastard! 狗屎运

  9. Crass.没风度

  10. Wise up!别傻了

  11. I am dead. 死定了

  11. Don’t play innocent!别装蒜!

  12. You are dreaming.你做梦!

  13. Behave!安分点 !

  14. You’re so lame!你真笨!

  15. That’s rubbish!胡扯!

  16. No need!免了吧!

  17. Blood and gore.很恶心

  18. Go to hell.去死吧!

  19. Have some decency!正经点

  20. Make up your mind!干脆点

  21. Sober up!清醒点

  22. Don’t run away!别想溜

  23. How low-class!真低级

  24. stingy bastard!小气鬼

  25. Poser!耍大牌

  26. Nerd 书呆子

  27. Same difference半斤八两

  28. You just don’t appreciate it!不识抬举

  29. How did it come to this!岂有此理

  30. No class!真没水准

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本文标题:搞笑无厘:用英语损人的30个短句 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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