
The Milkmaid

English Blogs
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A country maid was walking to the town to sell some milk, which she carried in a pitcher on her head. As she went along, she said to herself, “I have already fifty eggs at home; with the money which I get for my milk I will buy fifty more. These hundred eggs cannot fail to bring me at least eighty chickens. The chickens will be ready for market just when poultry is dearest, so that they will sell for a good sum. With the money I will get me a new gown, and when I wear it at the fair the young fellows will want to dance with me, but I will turn from each with a toss of the head.”

As she said these words, she could not help giving her head a toss, when down fell pitcher, milk, eggs, poultry, gown, sweethearts, and all. Count not your chickens before they are hatched.



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本文标题:The Milkmaid - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事

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