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   After a beautiful purebred puppy wandered onto our back porch and made himself at home, my husband composed an ad for the "Lost and found" column of the local newspaper. It read: "A puppy, male, approximately nine months old, no collar, very friendly, found on Rockbridge Road. "  
   I feared all the detail might encourage an unscrupulous person to claim the dog. As I methodically explained why each clue revealed too much, my husband dutifully crossed out the words. Finally, in frustration, he rewrote the ad, reducing it to a single sentence that I couldnt refute. It read: "Guess what I found?"
   一只漂亮的纯种狗来到我们的后门廊并已此为家了。我丈夫为当地的“失物招领”栏目构思了一则广告。它是这样写的:“小狗,雄性,近九个月年龄,无项圈,很友善,发现于石桥路。” 我害怕这样的细节会给那些昧着良心要狗的人以可乘之机。
(1) purebred adj.     纯种的
(2) puppy adj.        小狗;幼犬
(3) porch n.          门廊  
(4) compose v.        构思;
(5) approximately adv.将近
(6) collar n.         项圈
(7) unscrupulous adj. 无耻的;
(8) methodically adj. 有条不紊地
(9) clue n.           线索作
(10) reveal v.        透露  
(11) dutifully adv.   尽职地   
(12) cross out        画横线以删除   
(13) frustration n.   挫折   
(14) refute v.        反驳
① A beautiful puppy wandered _____ our back porch.   
② He _____ himself at home.   
③ My husband _____ an ad for the "Lost and found" column of the local newspaper.  
④ I feared all the detail might encourage an unscrupulous person to_____ the dog.
⑤ My husband dutifully crossed _____the words.
① onto ② made ③ composed ④ claim ⑤out


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本文标题:笑话习题簿11.4 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事

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