On his deathbed poor Lubin lies;His spouse is in despair; With frequent sobs and mutual cries;
They both express their care.“A different cause,”says Parson Sly, “The same effect may give:Poor Lubin fears that he may die ; His wife,that he may live”. 可怜的鲁宾躺在他的病床里;他的妻子陷入绝望;频频啜泣,相对哭啼,他们都表达着忧伤。
They both express their care.“A different cause,”says Parson Sly, “The same effect may give:Poor Lubin fears that he may die ; His wife,that he may live”. 可怜的鲁宾躺在他的病床里;他的妻子陷入绝望;频频啜泣,相对哭啼,他们都表达着忧伤。
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