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   Mother rats suspected her husband has an affair, she bushes adjacent to the track her husband. While, a hedgehog from the holes drilled out. Mother rats Yezhu a hedgehog, said: "Sigui, said not an affair? Shining so many mousse to seduce Shuixia?"    母老鼠怀疑老公有外遇,她跟踪老公到草丛旁。一会儿,一只刺猬从洞里钻出来。母老鼠一把拽住刺猬说:“死鬼,还说没外遇?擦这么多摩丝去勾引谁呀?”


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本文标题:英汉双语笑话习题簿2011.5.12 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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