
双语 笑话 退后三英里

English Blogs
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Online English Writing Community

   A farmer and his son, traveling by horse and buggy up a narrow lane, met a motorist going the other way. There was no room to pass for two miles in either direction. The motorist, in hurry, honked his horn .
  "If you don't back up," said the farmer, rolling up his sleeves, I won't like what I'm going to have to do." The surprised driver put his car in reverse and backed up two miles, allowing the horse and buggy to go by.
  "What was it you wouldn't have liked to have done back there?" asked the farmer's son.
  "Back up two miles," replied the farmer.
  (1) back up 退后
  (2) buggy n.轻便马车
  (3) honk v.(旧式汽车喇叭)声

  ① By what were the farmer and his son traveling?
  A. by train
  B. by car
  C. by horse and buggy
  D. on horses

  ② Where did the farmer and his son meet the motorist?
  A. on a wide road
  B. on a narrow road
  C. on a bridge
  D. on the farm

  ③ Who was in hurry?
  A. the motorist
  B. the farmer and his son
  C. the farmer's son
  D. all of the above

  ④ The farmer said: "I won't like what I'm going to have to do" to mean
  A. he would have to back up if the motorist didn't
  B. he would have to start a fight if the motorist didn't back up
  C. he would have to push the motorist's car back if the motorist did' t back up
   D. he would have to run over the car if the motorist didn't back up

  ⑤ The motorist took the farm's words as_____ .
  A. an advice
  B. an order
  C. a threat
  D. a request 退后两英里




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