
coffee break 双语笑话

阅读 :
   上午10点,coffee break. 由于早上没吃早饭,肚子有点饿。来到lunch room, 便想从售货机里买包 peanut butter cracker (0.5美元)充饥。掏出钱包一看,钱包里只有一个quarter (老婆真够可以的),心想,这下惨了, 又不能刷卡。
  看到同一办公室的老美同事Stephen (65岁左右)正坐在那里喝咖啡,于是便冲他喊道 :“Stephen, do you have a dollar?”
  Stephen: I have three.
  Me: One is enough.
  Stephen: Too late.
  Me : ??? (Too late? 他花了?还是他不愿意借?老美真够小气的,一块钱都不愿意借)。
  回到售货机旁,刚想把钱塞进去,Stephen 走了过来:“Oh, I thought you were asking for my daughter”.欢迎来论坛分享更多:

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