

阅读 :

  101 things I'd like to do for you

  1. I would peel an apple for you every day wishing you good health。
  1. 我愿意每天为你削一个苹果,希望你拥有健康的身体。

  这句话中出现了peel这个词,它的意思是"to cut the outside part off an onion, apple etc",也就是“去掉洋葱、苹果等的表皮”。各种各样的"cut"对应着各种各样的单词,今天我们就来盘点一下:
  chop - to cut vegetables, meat, or wood into pieces 将蔬菜、肉类或木头切碎
  slice - to cut bread, vegetables, or meat into thin pieces 将面包、蔬菜或肉类切成薄片
  dice - to cut vegetables into small pieces 将蔬菜切丁
  grate - to cut cheese or vegetables into small pieces by rubbing them against a special tool 将奶酪或蔬菜放进特殊工具里磨碎
  carve - to cut pieces from a large piece of meat 从一大块肉上切下肉片
  saw - to cut wood using a special tool called a saw 锯木头
  chop down - to cut down a tree, using an axe 用斧头砍树
  snip - to cut something quickly using scissors 用剪刀迅速剪某物
  mow - to cut grass 割草
  prune - to cut off the top part of plants, in order to make them grow better 修剪树枝(为了使其更好地生长)

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本文标题:我愿意为你做的101件事:为你削个苹果 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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