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Wife talking to her husband,who reads newspaper all day: I wish I were a newspaper so I'll be in your hands all day.
Husband: I wish that too, so I could change you daily.


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Online English Writing Community

本文标题:那样我就可以每天换一个了。 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


  • 趣味图片英语笑话:Medusa had seriously bad hair days 美杜莎的坏头发
    趣味图片英语笑话:Medusa had seriously bad hair days 美杜莎的坏头发

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  • Six or Twelve? 双语笑话

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  • Bad computer viruses

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  • 每日一笑:Illegible: Essay or Criticism?(9.23)

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  • 放在地板上

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  • 所以我说他不是个好老师啊!

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