

阅读 :

For showing the concern to soldiers’  life, General   Barton made a casual check to the warrior dining room, he pointed  at a cauldronsaying," let  me  taste the soup inside."" But, General...... " But  me  no  buts!" Before  the  KPsaid over, he picked up the ladle and swilled," Too nonsensical! How can you let fighter drink this? It is simply pigwash water!"" I just tell you that it is pigwash water, "

   为显示对士兵生活的关心,巴顿将军对战士食堂搞了一次突击检查,他指着一个大锅说,“我尝尝里面的汤。”“可是,将军……” “没什么‘可是’!” 没等炊事值勤说完,他就拿起勺子喝了起来,“太不象话了,怎么能给战士喝这个?它简直就是刷锅水!”“我正想告诉您它是刷锅水。


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本文标题:我正想告诉您它是刷锅水 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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