

阅读 :

A  peddler sold  earthen  basins in the wayside, he  chanted  as knocked :"Earthen  basin  is round, beautiful  and  solid, judging  by  the  sound, they  are  all  good." At  the  time  of  his  knocking, that  earthen basin  was  broken  into  pieces  with  a  crack(爆裂声) . Lookers-on  burst  into  the  roars  of  laughter. He  threw the fragments(碎片,残片) without extra trouble into paddy(稻谷,稻田) field, but  an experienced  peasant from  the crowd did not  let  him  off(放过,不惩罚)  easily:" How  the  deuce (强式特指问句) can you throw them into  my  field? They’ll impede (妨碍)my growing  crops!" The  peddler who sold  earthen basins  tried  to explain  it  away promptly:" Nothing, the fragments  will  be  converted  into  powder  as  soon  as  they  absorbed   water ."

  一个小贩在路边卖瓦盆,他一边敲一边唱:“瓦盆圆又圆,结实又好看,光听这声音,就知不一般。”敲着敲着,“啪啦”一声,把盆敲烂了。围观的人一阵哄笑。他顺手把碎片扔进了稻田里,谁知人群中一个老农不干了:“你怎么能往我地里扔?这不影响我种田吗?” 卖瓦盆的小贩连忙辩解:“不要紧,瓦片见水一会儿就粉了。”


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本文标题:瓦片见水一会儿就粉了 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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