
老外的爆笑英文麻将解读 图 双语

阅读 :





  The suit of 3 patterns. 三个一样的牌算一套;

  Number 1-9 in each pattern. 数字1到9,只要连续三个也可以凑成一套;

  4 tiles of each number. 一个数字下有四张牌。

  东:Dong (East)

  南:Nan (South)

  西:Xi (West)

  北:Bei (North)

  The suit of 4 winds, 4 of each wind. 四张方位牌可凑成一套,每个方位四张牌。

  中:Zhong (red center)

  發:Fa Cai (getting rich) → 小编我喷了……

  白板:Bai Ban (white board)

  The suit of Zhong fa bai, 4 of each. 中發白三张牌可为一套,每种四张牌。

  Total: 136 tile. 总共136张牌。


  1. Getting ready: 4 players with 34 unknown teles before each side.1. 开始:四人围坐,每人面前有34张扣起来的牌。2. Each player takes in 13 tiles by turn.2. 每人轮流摸进13张牌。3. Keep taking in new tiles and discarding useless tiles one by one in turn.3. 轮流摸进新的牌、打出不要的牌。4. Organize the right settlement to win. (4 X 3 tile suits + 1 pair = 14 tiles)4. 把牌组织成正确的组合就赢了(4套3张的牌加上一对,即14张牌)。


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本文标题:老外的爆笑英文麻将解读 图 双语 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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