
Money Talks

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Online English Writing Community

  A group from Chicago spent a weekend gambling in Las Vegas. One of the men on that trip won $100,000. He didn't want anyone to know about it, so he decided not to return with the others, but took a later plane home ―― arriving back 3 a.m. He immediately went out to the backyard of his house, dug a hole and planted the money in it. The following morning he walked outside and found only an empty hole. He noticed footsteps leading from the hole to the house next door, which was owned by a deaf-mute.

  On the same street lived a professor who understood sign language and was a friend of the deaf man. Grabbing his pistol, the enraged man went to awaken the professor and dragged him to the deaf man's house.

  After bursting into the house and confronting the deaf-mute the gambler held the pistol to the deaf-mute' head. "You tell this guy that if he doesn't give me back my $100,000 I'm going to kill him!" he screamed at the professor. The professor conveyed the message to his friend, and his friend replied in sign language, "I hid it in my backyard, underneath the cherry tree."

  The professor turned to the man with the gun and said, "He's not going to tell you. He said he'd rather die first."


  Forwarded by Vernon V. Vandiver, who just happens to be a professor with the University of Florida. But is he this professor?

  "That money talks,

  I'll not deny.

  I heard it once.

  It said, "Goodbye."

  - Richard Armour

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