Shenzhen English Corner

75.This Way to Request

阅读 : 139 次


  I had fallen and dislocated my elbow, which made writing checks for my small business nearly impossible. I called my bank to explain that the signature on my checks would look odd due to my accident, and would they please horror them anyway.

  "Okay," said the woman on the phone, "but you' 11 have to write a letter to the bank telling them that you are requesting this. "


  (1) dislocate v.脱离原位;使脱臼

  (2) signature n.签名

  (3) due to由于

  (4) honor v.承认并如期支付



  ① I had fallen and_____ my elbow.

  ② It made writing checks for my small business_____ impossible.

  ③ I called my bank to_____ that the signature _____my checks would look odd due to my accident.

  ④ "Okay," said the woman_____ the phone.

  ⑤ But you'll have to write a letter to the bank _____them that you are requesting this.





① dislocated ② nearly ③ explain; on ④ on ⑤ telling

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本文标题:75.This Way to Request - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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