
英汉双语笑话:The Lost God 上帝被偷了

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the minister took the boy into his office, thinking that he would teach him a little bit on religion and virtue. using a gentle voice, he asked the boy: "do you know where god is?" the boy did not say anything. he was just quiet and looked around the room. he looked at the pictures on the wall, and in the corner of the room, and bent down to look under the table, et cetera. finally, he looked at the face of the minister without saying one word.the minister felt uneasy, but he reluctantly asked him one more time. this time, he raised his voice thinking that, perhaps the boy had not heard him clearly before. he repeated: "do you know where god is?" hearing his loud voice, the boy's face looked a bit frightened. however, besides looking around the room, he did not say a word, and then again turned his eyes toward the face of the minister.
at this point, the minister could not bear it anymore. he pointed his finger at the boy's face and yelled loudly: "i...i, i'm asking you for the last time. do you know where god is?"

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