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  A guy was dating a girl named Lorraine. He knew that Lorraine was the ONE. She had all the qualities that he wanted in a woman. She was smart, funny, and beautiful. Then one day in the video store, he met a girl named Clearly. Now Clearly was beautiful, funny, smart, and knew all the best places in town. But the guy didn't want to stop dating Lorraine, for he could be missing out on something good. So he kept on dating Lorraine. Then one day, the guy and Lorraine were walking along a river bank, his mind on Clearly, when Lorraine slipped into the river. While he watched her float away, he sang, "I can see Clearly now Lorraine is gone."

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本文标题:我的女友 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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