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那些妙趣横生的英语幽默故事A personal question

At the cashier one busy day the line grew quite long. There was much grumbling among those waiting,but one man made light of the situation. He approached a woman who was obviously' very pregnant and tapped her on the shoulder. "Would you mind my asking a personal question?he said. 'Were you pregnant when you got in this line?_
在一个繁忙的日子,收银员那里排了很长的队。排队等待的人开始发牢骚,只有一名男子显得比较轻松。他走到一个显然已经怀 孕很久的女人背后,拍拍她的肩膀说:"我能不能问你一个私人问题,在你开始排队的时候有没有怀孕?"

单词&词组 encouragement 鼓励,支持(的事物)
cycle 循环:骑自行(摩托)车
dit}tract 使分心,分散注意力
illustrate 给……加插图;说明
yell 叫喊,叫着说
will 意图,决心;遗嘱
rough 艰难的,粗糙的,粗鲁的,(味道、声音等)令人不
yacht 游艇,帆船
mention 提及,说起
caShiof 收银员,出纳员
grumble 抱怨,牢骚
make light of 对……不在乎,轻视
personal .个人的,亲自的


公共场合讲话时“不要做什么"做public speaking时,还有几个不要,譬如不要把手伸进口袋里【stick your hands in your pockets),不要手卡在腰带上(hook your thumbs under your beIt),因为上述动作都会分散观众的注意力。

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本文标题: 那些妙趣横生的英语幽默故事43:一个私人问题 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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