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Unit 4 Trouble with Propositions 介词问题

A new student was just finding his way around Harvard University.

“Excuse me,” he asked an upperclassman, “can you tell me where the library’ s at?”

“What appalling diction,” sneered the older student. “I can’t imagine how you could have been admitted to Harvard. Don’t you know better than to end a sentence with a preposition.”

“O. K. Can you tell me where the library’s at, asshole?”


1.find one's way  around+地方 熟悉某地
例:You need a guide book to find your way around the Vatican.

2.upperclassman n. 学长;高年级学生

3.本文中“Can you tell me where the library's at?' ,为一错误用法,因为 where 为地方副词,不可当 at 介词的宾语。正确说法为"Can you tell me where the library is?"

4.appalling a. 吓人的
appall vt.使惊吓
例:The condition of this road is appalling.

5.diction n.措辞;用字(=word usage)

6.sneer vi. 嘲笑
sneer at... 嘲笑……
例:Only ignorant people sneer at what they don't understand.

7.admit vt.许可
admission n.准入;入学许可
admittance n.进入;入场权
No Admittance 非公莫入;闲人免进(标语;告示)
例:The price of admission to the museum is NT $50.
Children under 18 are not admitted to this theater.

8.know better than to V 聪明得不会做 ……(不会笨得去……)
例:I know better than to ask him a favor when he's in this kind of mood.

9.asshole n. 肛 门;驴 蛋

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