

阅读 : 97 次


The Stories Are Still in Them

  During a visit to my mother' s home, I joined her in the living room to talk, read and watch television. Facing a bookcase that has been in the same spot since I was a child, I let my eyes wander over the familiar volumes, many of which now have faded covers and frayed bindings.

  "These books look so sad," I remarked. "Maybe we should go through them and toss some."

  My mother stood up and went over to the shelves. She took down several books, turned a few pages and replaced them. Then she returned to her chair and quietly said, 'They are just fine. The stories are still in them.


  (1) bookcase n.书架
  (2) wander v.漫游;徘徊
  (3) faded adj.退色的
  (4) frayed adj.磨破的
  (5) go through检查;搜查


  ① I let my eyes_____ the familiar Volumes.
  ② Many of them now have_____ covers and _____bindings.
  ③ Maybe we should go them and toss some.
  ④ My mother stood up and went_____ to the shelves.
  ⑤ She took _____several books, turned a few pages and replaced them.






  ① wander; over ② faded; frayed ③ through ④ over ⑤ down

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