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Unit 1 O.K. ,Who Cut the Cheese? 谁在放屁?

A young man was visiting his girlfriend’s parents for the first time. He had been quite nervous about it, and his nervousness was manifesting itself as gastric distress. Agonizingly, he felt the urgent need to release some intestinal gas. Surreptitiously, he emitted a “silent but deadly.”

“Rover!” the girlfriend’s mother admonished.

The young man realized that the family dog was sitting under his chair, and saw a way out of his difficulties.

“Rover!” shouted the mother.

Thinking his problems were over for sure, the young guy emitted a real window-rattler.

“Rover!” cried the mother, “get over here before he shits on you!”


Who cut the cheese? 谁在放屁?
cheese (起司)有浓烈的乳臭味,切开之后散出的气味犹如屁味,
故以 cut the cheese 表“放屁”之意。

2.nervous a. 神经的;不安的
nerve n. 神经(可数);勇气( 不可数,=courage)
例:Why are you so nervous, honey? Is this your first time?
(亲爱的,你为什么那么紧张 ?这是你的第一次吗
He doesn't have the nerve to face the problem.

3.mannifest vt. 彰显

4.gastric a. 胃部的

5.distress n. 苦恼;痛苦
此处 gastric distress 指的是“肚子胀气”

6.agonizingly ad. 痛苦地
agonize vt. 使受痛苦;使苦闷 & vi. 苦闷
例:I've been agonizing over this decision for weeks.

7.urgent a. 迫切的;紧急的
feel the urgent need to V 感觉迫切需要……
例:Have you ever felt the urgent need to find a bathroom?

8.release vt. 释放;解除
例:The suspect was released after being found innocent.

9.intestinal n. 肠的
intestine n. 肠(常用复数)

10.surreptitiously ad. 秘密地;偷偷地

11.emit vt. 放出;散发出
例:Why is it that Fat Freddy emits such a foul odor?
* foul a. 恶臭的

12... he emitted a "silent but deadly."
=... he emitted a "silent but deadly" fart.
本文句尾故意省略了 fart 一字。
fart n. & vi. 放屁
例:Someone was farting.
=Someone was breaking wind.
=Someone was cutting the cheese.

13.admonish vt. 告诫;警告(=warn)
例:Johnny, I've admonished you a dozen times not to pick your nose in public.

14.desperately ad. 急着地;拼命地

15.relief n. 解除;减轻
relieve vt. 解除;缓和
例:"Take this pill. It may relieve your pain immediately," said the doctor.

16.let out... 释放出 ;泄露……的秘密
例:Among the Bedouins, it's considered good manner to let out a satisfied burp after a meal.
(贝都因人认为吃饱饭了打嗝是有礼貌的行为。)* the Bedouins n. 阿拉伯游牧民族

17.hooter n. 汽笛;喇叭;放屁

18.window-rattler n. 大响屁(连窗户都被震得嘎嘎作响,其威力可见一斑了)

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本文标题:赖世雄读英语笑话学英语之不带颜色的通俗笑话(1):谁在放屁?(双语) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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