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简单的英语漫画《on a claire day关于克莱尔的一切》告诉我们一个简单的人生道理,工资里没有半毛钱是付给你在工作单位交朋友的,所以不用想那么多,多劳心也认了,因为劳心者治人~

i need to be tougher if i'm going to be a manager. i can't worry about being liked!

marie, the it guy has beeing asking about the database. i really need you to finish that by the end of the day.
玛丽, 信息部都催要好几次数据了....今天下班前你必须完成数据提交!


i got a result!and i think i just lost a friend.

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本文标题:双语哲理漫画:得到失去,公司招你不是为交朋友的 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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