

阅读 :

  Mom was very proud that she'd lost ten pounds. On the way to the store with my husband and me she talked of little else. We dropped her off in the lingerie department, but when we returned, we couldn't find her. Thinking she might be in the fitting room, I asked the saleswoman if she had seen my mother. “What does she look like?” the clerk asked.

  My husband said simply, “She just lost ten pounds.

  “Third door on the left.” the woman replied with a smile.


  (1) drop sb off将某人送到(某处)

  (2) lingerie n.女内衣

  (3) fitting room试衣室



  ① Why was the mother very proud?

  A. Because her daughter was on a diet.

  B. Because she had lost ten pounds.

  C. Because her daughter had lost ten pounds.

  D. Because her son-in-law had lost ten pounds.

  ② “She talked of little else” means_____ .

  A. she almost kept silent

  B. she talked about shopping all the time

  C. she talked about her daughter for most of the time

  D. she talked about her losing weight for most of the time

  ③ “We dropped her off” probably means_____ .

  A. we pushed her out of the car

  B. we ordered her to stay there

  C. we left her by herself

  D. we lost her because there were too many people

  ④ Where did the daughter think her mother might be?

  A. in the fitting room.

  B. in the washing room.

  C. in the dinning room.

  D. in the next shop.

  ⑤ From this passage we can infer that_____ .

  A. the mother talked to everybody she met about the success of her diet

  B. the mother was suffering from a mental problem

  C. the mother should be taken good care of

  D. the daughter and her husband did not treat her mother well enough







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