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看笑话学英语23:A Trip to Disney 迪斯尼之旅

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听笑话学英语23:A Trip to Disney 迪斯尼之旅

On a trip to Disney World in Florida, my husband and I and our two children devoted ourselves wholeheartedly to the wonders of this attraction. After three exhausting days, we headed for home.

As we drove away, our son waved and said, "Good-bye, Mickey."

Our daughter waved and said, "Good-bye, Minnie."

My husband waved, rather weakly, and said, "Good-bye, Money."


1 wholeheartedly

adv. 全心全意地,全神贯注地

eg:This man loves me wholeheartedly and yet I cannot be honest with him. 

Pledge wholeheartedly 承诺真心诚意
We Wholeheartedly 我们全力以赴
Support Wholeheartedly 衷心拥护
Work wholeheartedly 全身心的工作
Praise Wholeheartedly 赞美全心全意
Unite Wholeheartedly 团结一心
Wholeheartedly Welcome 竭诚欢迎光临
Wholeheartedly Serves 竭诚服务
So Wholeheartedly 麽全心全意

2  exhausting

adj. 使筋疲力尽的;使耗尽的
v. 耗尽;使…精疲力竭;排出(exhaust的ing形式)

eg:Don't exhaust him.

dust exhausting 除尘
exhausting section 气提馏段 ; 极度贫化区
Exhausting Dyeing 竭尽染色法
exhausting agent 枯竭剂
automobile exhausting 机动车
E Exhausting 使人精疲力竭的
exhausting machine 抽气机 ; 排气台
pump exhausting 泵抽
exhausting fan 鼓风机 ; 抽风机

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