Female Joke(15)
A young lady to her friends:“You know I have never been kissed by any man except my husband.”
One friend:“Are you boasting or complaining?”
幽默 笑话本文地址:http://www.dioenglish.com/writing/humor/82519.html
Marriage Joke(80)
A woman was worried whether or not her dead husband made it to heaven,so she decided to try to contact his spirit by having a seance. Sure enough,after the usual mumbo-jumbo of calling to the sp...
2019-01-02 英语笑话 -
Lawyer Joke(23)
Joe the lawyer died suddenly,at the age of 45. He got to the gates of Heaven,and the angel standing there said,“We‘ve been waiting a long time for you.” “What do you mean,”he replied.“I‘...
2018-12-31 英语笑话 -
These are my jeansAfter going on a diet,a woman felt really good about herself--especially when she was able to fit into a pair of jeans she had outgrown long ago.“Look,look.” s...
2018-11-22 英语笑话 -
Lawyer Joke(11)
A forester and a lawyer were in car accident and showed up at the pearly gates together. St. Peter greets them at the pearly gates and takes them to the homes where they will spend all of e...
2018-12-31 英语笑话 -
Jimmy went into a shop, took a toy tank, gave the shopkeeper fake money and started to leave.So, the shopkeeper told him, “Excuse me, little boy, this isn't real money.” L...
2018-11-26 英语笑话 -
趣味图片英语笑话:violent computer games 暴力的电脑游戏(双语)
So wonderful that the kids have skipped those violent computer games and enjoy playing out in nature...太好了,孩子们跳过那些暴力的电脑游戏,在自然中玩耍…… 更...
2018-11-07 英语笑话 -
Sport Joke(1)
John received a free ticket to the Super Bowl. Unfortunately. John‘s seat was in the last row in the corner of the stadium. He was closer to the Goodyear Blimp than the stadium. He noticed an...
2019-01-04 英语笑话 -
Lawyers Brains
A lawyer finds out he has a brain tumor and it's inoperable - in fact, it's so large, they have to do a brain transplant. His doctor gives him a choice of available brains - there's a jar of...
2019-01-18 英语笑话