
外国最新英语幽默笑话精粹54:关于身份问题的教育 (中英)

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Scene一A grade one classroom on a warm summer afternoon.


Teacher: We are going to have a spelling competition this afternoon. Anyone who can spell a word correctly can go home early. We’11 start with Mary. What did you do at lunchtime?


Mary: I played in the sandpit.


Teacher: Mary, can you spell "pit?"


Mary: P …I … T?

玛莉: "P. . . I. . . T?"

Teacher: Very good,you  may go. Now Tommy , what did you do at lunch?


Tommy: I was playing with my toy car.


Teacher: Tommy,can you spell "car"?


Tommy: C…A …R

汤米:"C. . . A. . . R"

Teacher: Very good,you  may  go. Now Johnny, why are you crying?


Johnny(sniff): Because  Tommy  and Mary wouldn’t play with me at lunchtime, just because I'm black.


Teacher: My God. That's racial prejudice. Johnny,can you spell "racial prejudice?"




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本文标题:外国最新英语幽默笑话精粹54:关于身份问题的教育 (中英) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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