

阅读 : 165 次


The airplane was obviously in trouble.  One engine was on fire, another was sputtering, and the machine was slowly, ineluctably losing height.


Finally the grim-looking captain entered the cabin.


"Ladies and gentlemen," he announced, "we've lost most of our power. The only way to keep the plane aloft is to lighten our load. We've already dumped the baggage, but it's not enough. I-m asking for volunteers to make the supreme sacrifice so that others may live, "


After a few minutes of stunned silence, a Frenchman stood to quivering attention, shouted "Vive la France!" and threw himself out the door.


Shortly thereafter, an Englishman rose to his full height,coolly declared, "God Save the Queen!" and followed thegallant Frenchman.


Finally, a Texan rose from his seat, cried, "Remember the Alamo! " and threw out the Mexican sitting next to him.


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本文标题:英语笑话笑死人不偿命05:一个真正热爱国家的人(双语) - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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