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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!


It Seemed like Hours

  As a band instructor at an elementary school, I require my students to turn in practice sheets signed by their parents so I can be sure they are putting in enough time. I had to laugh, however, when one parent wrote on her child's sheet, "Practiced 17 minutes, but it seemed like hours.


  (1) band n.乐队

  (2) instructor n.指挥

  (3) turn in上交;归还

  (4) signed by their parents:由他们的父母签名的。这是一个分词短语作定语修饰sheets.

  (5) so I can be sure they are putting in enough time:这样我才能确定他们投入了足够的时间。这是so that 引导的目的状语从句,其中that省略。


  ① The author is a member of the musical band at the elementary school.
  ② The instructor requires the students to hand in practice sheets once a month.
  ③ The purpose of the instructor's requirement is to make sure that the students are putting in enough time.
  ④ One child practiced for several hours, but the parent mistook for only 17 minutes.
  ⑤ From the passage we can infer that the parent is not keen on music.





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