
Kid Joke(20)

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  There was this tiger that woke up one morning and just felt great(yes,just like Tony the Tiger)。Anyway,he felt so good,he went out and cornered a small monkey and roared at him,“WHO IS THE MIGHTIEST OF ALL THE JUNGLE ANIMALS?”And the poor quaking little monkey replied,“You are of course,no one is mightier than you.”

  A little while later the tiger confronted a deer,and bellowed out,“WHO IS THE GREATEST AND STRONGEST OF ALL THE JUNGLE ANIMALS?”The deer shook so hard it could barely speak,but managed to stammer,“Oh great tiger,you are by far the mightiest animal in the jungle.”

  The tiger,being on a roll,swaggered up to an elephant who was quietly munching on some weeds,and roared at the top of his voice:“WHO IS THE MIGHTIEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS IN THE JUNGLE?”

  Well,the elephant grabbed the tiger with his trunk,picked him up,slammed him down;picked him up again,and shook him until the tiger was just a blur of orange and black and finally threw him violently into a nearby tree. The tiger staggered to his feet and looked at the elephant and said,“Man,just because you don‘t know the answer,you don’t have to get so mad.”

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