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导语:笑话让人快乐^_^中西方人的笑点不一样,也许你觉得捧腹大笑的笑话,老外也许还纳闷中:“很好笑吗?”老外笑的掉泪的笑话,我们也许觉得“好冷”。归根到底就是中西文化的不同,所以呢,看笑话也能学到知识哟(*^__^*)……下面就随英语笑话小编一起来欣赏这则英语笑话吧(*^__^*) ……
A fifth grader looked downcast, so her teacher asked, "What's the problem, Carol? I hope it's not homework again."
"Well, uh, yes, it is." replied Carol. "I was stupid and made my homework paper into a paper airplane."
"Carol, you're right, that wasn't a very bright thing to do," said the teacher, "but this once I'll let you just unfold the paper and hand it in."
"Oh, but that won't work," said Carol, looking even sadder. "You see, the plane was hijacked."
英语 笑话本文地址:http://www.dioenglish.com/writing/humor/88993.html
上一篇:英语笑话:好消息和坏消息(士兵版) 下一篇:英语笑话:生出老太太