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  A Never Finished Job

  I was going away for a few days and left my husband a list of chores. For fun, I put down as Item 5: Think about your wife a lot. 字串3

  After I returned, my husband proudly reported that he had completed every job. When I saw the list, however, each item except No.5 had been crossed off. "What's this!" I exclaimed, "Didn't you think about me while I was gone?"

  My chagrin vanished when he replied cheerfully, "I started to, but just never finished."

  我离开家几天,给丈夫留了个条儿,写下需要做的杂活。为了跟他逗着玩儿,我的第五条写的是:多想念你的妻子。 字串4

  当我回来后,我丈夫非常自豪地向我汇报,他干完了所有的活。当我看条子时,除了第五条,所有的活都干完划掉了,“这是怎么回事!”我惊讶道,“我不在时,你不想我吗?” 字串8


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