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“I really don’t want to go to attend English class” one of my friends often complains to me. I asked him the reason and he answered, “I don’t know how to learn English and actually my English is very poor, which makes me get no interest in it.” It seems that my friend’s logic is quite different from the theory that the interest is the best teacher. My friend is not interested in English at all, so how can he and people who are like him learn English? 

That question is just what my article wants to answer. I want to extend my point of view from a special angle. I focus my attention on those who are not interested in English at all. I try to let them know English could be something very easy and joyful by my own experience and encourage them to say, “Hello, English” from the bottom of their hearts. 

Above all, making accomplishments are very helpful. In light of my experience I’d like to say "no accomplishments, no enthusiasm".Every step we take ,we get more intersested in it.It is just too human for us to enjoy the motivation from success.Then how can we make some accomplishments to build up our confidence first? Please try to recite some classical English passages. When I was in freshman year of university, I was used to getting up early in the morning and going to the playground to read and recite English passages, which proved to be a good start for my further English study. 

Except for morning reading,I also spend the time between dinner or before going to bed learning new vocabulary. The short period for English learning result in great achievement with little effort. I just keep this habit and find that my vocabulary increases little by little. 
In the era of globalization, we can learn English whenever and wherever. wherever we go, we’ll find the signs of English and we can catch it and learn it very soon. Today in the morning when I had breakfast in my school dining hall, I learnt a new English expression from the TV program.Still there’re Many different examples, such as when we go to the places of interests; from destination board we can obtain a lot of relevant imformation in English .As the matter of fact, we can also practice oral English from the communication with the foreign tourists. 

Well, I really think the relationship between people and English is just like that between two persons. You hate English is just like you hate somebody. But how can we get along with those who we like? To learn to handle the relationship with people we don’t like is the symbol of maturity and rationality. English study could be a challenge to help you grow up and becom stronger,however,by no means it should be an impassible barrier on your way. Besides , we can start leaning from the easy thing, right? I believe the suggestions that I made above are practical. Try to make friends with English and you’ll find you can make a difference.

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