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Tip 1 如何做准备在准备的过程中你需要考虑到以下两点:一、了解自己并学会介绍你自己;二、了解你想要应聘的企业。
In preparing, you need to think about two things. First of all, yourself. What’s really important to you and what kind of skills have you got that you can offer an employer? The other side of preparation is researching the employer. We expect you to have been on the web and done some research. And the candidate who really stands out is the candidate actually who’s gone one step further. They may, for example, have downloaded a copy of our annual report and be able to talk about that. They may actually have sought out somebody who works at KPMG and chatted to them about the job and the careers service at the university will help them with that kind of thing.

Tip 2 介绍自己时的要点介绍你自己时,最为重要的一点就是你要意识到你谈论的是你自己以及你做出的贡献。
What's really important is that you talk about yourself and your contribution. So let’s take something like a team project. Yeah, it’s good to introduce it and say “I was a member of a five-man team doing this” but what we really want to know is what difference did you make to that team? Because it’s you that we're interested in, it’s your skills that we need to know about, because we’re recruiting you, not the team.

Tip 3 用实例来表述你的能力 大多数企业都会用能力来评估应聘者,这就意味着我们要用实际例子来表明自己的能力。最好从各个方面来多准备几个实例,而不仅仅局限于你的学术成就。
Most employers use something called competency based interviewing. And this basically means that what we’re looking for are examples of your skills and abilities in practice. So one of the things we might be interested in, for example, is your ability to manage a project. And what we want is a specific example. And we don’t always just want the same example repeated over and over again. So we might want an example about a project at university. And we might then press you a bit further and say “Well tell me now about a project in your working life” or “Tell me about a project that you did in some kind of social context”. Generally, the best advice is to think about two or three examples which you can talk confidently about and try to make sure that they’re drawn from different aspects of life, not just your academic studies, for example.

Tip 4 如何谈及失败的经历

It’s ok to admit to failures in interview. The key here is to talk about what you learned from that experience and how you’d do it differently next time. So if you led a project, for example, and actually the project fell to pieces, clearly that’ bad news - you don’t want that to happen. But if you can say “but the next project I was involved in, I did this and that really made a difference and it just shows I learned”, then that’s fantastic because actually that’s what an employer is looking for: somebody who can learn from their experiences and next time round, avoid those mistakes and in fact, really capitalize on that learning.

Tip 5 如何更好得讲述你的项目实践

You know, if you’re thinking about a project you can describe it in lots of different ways. You can talk about “I did this, I did that” but a much better approach is to use business language and to talk about how you set objectives, how you prioritized your time, how you focused on outcomes. You’re saying exactly the same thing, but you’re using business language and business terminology to express it and as an interviewer.

Tip 6 回答问题时如何组织你的语言

I think a really key point of advice is to think about how you can structure an answer. And my advice is to think about the “rule of three”- and I always kind of say, “there are three points to this answer” and actually put some structure around it, so simply say “Well the first point is…”, “The second point is…”, “And finally the third point is…” because then, if I’m interviewing you I know there are going to be three points and I can follow it very very clearly and it’s logical. But just one piece of advice: don’t do that to every question, you know, because there’s nothing worse than just repeating the same old kind of model, so vary it slightly, but it’s a great way of getting the points across – three points, fantastic!

Tip 7 如何有效地运用肢体语言

What can you do with your body language to really be effective? I think the first thing to say is, just make sure you’re sitting comfortably and relaxed in your chair at the start of the interview. Just the way you sit can convey the fact that you’re confident and relaxed. The second thing is, try to use your hands a bit during the interview. You actually use gestures because that’s a really – I’m doing it now – you know, it’s a really effective way to convey a particular message and give some emphasis. And the other thing is eye contact. You know, try to make eye contact with the individual, not in a fixed stare so that you frighten them to death but actually in a kind of really gentle way. Smiling is fantastic, just try it!

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