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  One of the most popular hobbies among people is reading books. Many people prefer spending their spare time in reading books.

  Why is reading popular? For one thing, just as the saying goes, books are the source of wisdom. Through reading books. We get new knowledge about nature, society and many other things. And for the other, books make our life filled with joys and happiness.

  In a word, We should read more valuable books.


  写作文时,通过恰当地运用一些连词,过渡词,可以使逻辑更为清晰分明。本文中的“For one thing”、“For the other ”、“In a word”等过渡词或连贯词的运用,使得全文语言流畅,逻辑清晰,表达规范。

  To read without reflecting is like to eat without digesting.(学而不思,如食而不化。)

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本文标题:范文:Reading - 英语作文范文_英语作文万能句子_英语作文模板

上一篇:范文:Dictionary 下一篇:范文:Opportunity


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