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  Christmas Day


  Christmas Day falls on the twenty-fifth of December. It is a very happy day for many boys and girls . Before the term ends in some schools , the children act a nativity① or “birth” play, showing how Jesus② was born in a stable③。

  On the twenty-fourth of December, all children are very excited. Usually they are sent to bed early so that their parents can get the presents ready. The younger children think that Father Christmas will come down the chimney or fireplace , so they hang up a sock for him to put presents in. The greedy ones even hang up a pillow-case④ or a sack⑤ to try to get more presents. Later that night, Father or Mother will put presents in the sock, and leave others at the side of the bed.

  On Christmas morning, the children wake up very early. Some even turn on the light at two o'clock, and most of them are awake by six o'clock although it is not light in England for another hour or two at this time of the year.

  Children look for their presents , and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one o'clock in the afternoon, the Christmas dinner is brought in . The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten . Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it . The rest of the day is full of games and eating until the happiest of all Christmas hollidays comes to an end.



  ①nativity n.出生;诞生;(宗教)耶稣诞生

  ②Jesus n.耶稣

  ③stable n.厩;马棚;牛棚

  ④pillow-case n.枕套

  ⑤sack n.袋;布袋


  这是一篇用一般现在时写成的记叙文,所以叫做现在记叙文(present narration)。现在记叙文适合于写经常发生的事情,比如圣诞节就是每年都要过的节日。这种记叙文一般按照人物行为情节的时间顺序安排文章结构,本文分为“圣诞前”、“圣诞夜”和“圣诞当天”三个时间顺序的行为情节。

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